> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:59:27 +1100
> From: Peter Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 07:43:25PM +0100, Marko Lerota wrote:
> >time from ports because there are only small portion of precompiled 
> >packages.
> There should be a fairly complete set of packages for 7.0-RELEASE.
> There can never be a totally complete set of packages for legal
> reasons - the licenses on some ports do not permit them to be packaged.
> >This thing should be solved.
> Please offer some suggestions on how you would resolve the problem.
> >And If I upgrade the OS I dont want to recompile ports for that.
> You don't have to upgrade ports immediately.  It's just that you can't
> upgrade any single port without re-building everything - for reasons
> that have been spelled out elsewhere in this thread.
> FWIW, the move to versioned symbols should (in theory) remove the
> need to need to do a future complete recompile once you've rebuilt
> all your ports against 7.x.

My laptop has about 1000 ports installed and, when I did the mass
upgrade a week or two ago. I did it a bit differently from most

I deleted all of the directories in /usr/local except etc and a coupe
containing locally built and install software. This really cleans up any
cruft from /usr/local. :-)

Next, I manually installed lang/ruby18 and ports-mgmt/portupgrade and
did a 'portupgrade -afP'. Since the pkgdb was still in place, it knew
which ports had been installed before I nuked /usr/local. I only had to
build one big, time consuming port, jdk16. I also had to re-build about
8 or 9 ports (postfix and several multimedia ports) for local config

I ran it over night, starting up at "quitting time", and it finished the
first pass early the next morning. I installed jdk15 from the diablo
package and built jdk16. Then I upgraded the ports which were dependent
on jdk16 (about a dozen) from packages.

All in all, this worked rather well, although issuing all those 'rm -rf
/usr/local/AAAA/*'s is very disconcerting.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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