On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 8:21 PM, Marko Lerota <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  >> Then the servers. Why should I reinstall all my databases and such?
>  >> I always
>  >> liked that FreeBSD base (OS) is separated from packages. And no
>  >> matter what I do with the packages, my OS will always work. I don't
>  >> want dependency
>  >> hell like in Linux. Now you are telling me that my database might not work
>  >> after upgrade to a new version. Is that it?
>  >
>  > First, try to relax.
>  Sorry, but I'm pissed off now, not relax any more.
>  > portupgrade -faP requests to reinstall everything from precompiled
>  > packages.  It will only fall back to compiling them locally if the
>  > package is unavailable (e.g. for legal reasons).
>  It passed two days from portupgrade -faP, and it didn't finished yet.
>  To be worse, I have to do it again because the PC had to be rebooted.
>  So in the next 2-3 days I can sit with my PC and wait with him to
>  finish the upgrade. It will be three days because of [EMAIL 
>  And I have to pray the god that I don't have the power loss.
>  Now apache and acroread doesn't work any more and I'm afraid that
>  I'll find some other stuff that don't work too.
>  So can anyone tell me this is not stupid??? Reinstalling all
>  applications because of upgrade? This can be called new
>  installation. Not upgrade.
>  Now I'm thinking that It would be much easier that I backup my files,
>  databases and other stuff and do fresh installation. But why????
>  So I can do the same thing when 8_0 comes out?
>  This is the worst thing that I found about FreeBSD for now.
>  This have to be changed or fixed somehow, because the upgrade
>  is not possible if you have lots of ports installed, and
>  certainly can't be called upgrade!
>  --
>  One cannot sell the earth upon which the people walk
>                                                 Tacunka Witco
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Hi Marko,

you can always use the -w flag of portupgrade if interrupted it while
upgrading the installed ports:
        Do not "make clean" before each build. See the -c option above.
If you start the portupgrade again without -w then it will use -c by
default which means all your "inbuildproccess" ports are gone.
I don't know if -w is the clean way to resume from an interrupted
portupgrade, but i never had problems with it.
Well, ok you mustn't install any other port before you resume your
portupgrade that could confuse your system :)

The more clean and easy way to do a upgrade of your ports after
switching to another major release (I do it this way everytime):

#pkg_delete -fa      <--- is much faster than pkg_deinstall

Then i get my Ports with the -P flag of portinstall. A few days ago I
did it this way after I jumped from 7 Release to 7 Stable.
It took me about three hours to get my x11-wm/xfce4, x11/xorg (yes the
complete xorg) and some other tools I need to work because the biggest
part of this ports were available as prebuild pkgs.

Try it this way,

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