On 15 September 2006, at 11:16, Julian H. Stacey wrote:

Stable is a misnomer that harms FreeBSD somewhat.  A promoter of
FreeBSD I know has long encouraged people to upgrade from release
to stable. Some don't & won't realise Stable is Not necessarily
Stable, & may get burnt.  Much of the world speaks English only as
a 2nd language.  They won't benefit from the double trouble of
foreign + weird BSD geek speak:  "Stable isn't Stable ?  Yes or No !"
"It's stable, but it's OK to crash ?  - I'll go Linux !"

Imagine a boat labelled Stable: It sinks. The designers claim:
"Tough! We left the Application Interface  (routes to bars & toilets)
stable, but changed other stuff.   Hey ! Stable never meant Stable !

This is the perfect explanation. Thank you for putting what I am trying to say in words so well. :-)

It'd be some work to eradicate the misnomer, but the name's perhaps
less entrenched than one might guess, eg:
        ftp ftp.freebsd.org
        cd /pub/FreeBSD
lrwxr-xr-x 1 ftpuser ftpusers 19 Mar 24 14:58 FreeBSD- stable -> branches/4.0-stable
        cd  FreeBSD-stable
        550 No such directory.
Julian Stacey. BSD Unix C Net Consultancy, Munich/Muenchen http:// berklix.com
Mail Ascii, not HTML.           Ihr Rauch = mein allergischer Kopfschmerz.
        Don't buy it ! Get it free !  http://berklix.org/free-software
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hackmiester (Hunter Fuller)

<svinx> yknow when you go to a party, and everyones hooked up except one guy and one girl
<svinx> and so they look at each other like.. do we have to?
<svinx> intel & nvidia must be lookin at each other like that right now

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