> This should be documented somewhere clearly then, as my understanding was 
> that -STABLE meant that anything MFCd back to it *was* tested and deemed 
> stable ... and yes, I do run stable, and yes, I do expect to hit the 
> occasional 'oopses', but "blantant and obvious bugs due to insufficient 
> testing", IMHO, doesn't classify as an 'oops' ....


we're talking about software. Have you ever seen a piece of software
which has been really bug-free? Not the hello-world, I'm talking
about real software.

Also, you should never go with -STABLE on a production server. I'm
sure this has been made clear in the handbook. If it's really a that
import server in production use, go with a RELEASE. -STABLE is not a
technology playground as CURRENT but should be seen as a BETA
testing system. If that's not the case, then why use RELEASE at all?

Sure you may blame a developer for not testing enough but you're on
your own if you use beta quality software on your production
systems. As a developer I've seen many bugs which haven't been found
during testing and I know it's nearly impossible to find _all_ bugs
while testing. I've seen applications failing just because the user
typed the wrong key at the wrong time (or an unexpected key).

As a user I'm thankful for bugs being fast fixed bugs but on the
other side I really know what I'm doing when using -STABLE software
on my system. I do see this as a give-back to the community to find
bugs early before -RELEASE.

Also keep in mind most kernel hackers do kernel hacking in their
spare time. Everyone using FreeBSD (or any other OS system) is
profiting from their spare time and it's unfair to be not that polite.

And back to the issue: The gmirror bug has already been fixed and I
posted a note to the ML hours before the first "who the f... did
cause that bug" post. A short look into ML postings would have made
this thread needless.

If you blame developers, then please shut off your computer.



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