Tuomo Latto wrote:
Alexander S. Usov wrote:
Just pointed firefox to freebsd.org and I was greeted with a new look!
And in general, I have already heard from quite a lot of people today that
the old design was quite authentic and recognizable, while the new one
looks as a quite standard portal.
Yecch. All ugly and businesslike. This is what you'd expect from
all sorts of companies that are all marketing and no information.
You'd expect popups from the links on the top (they look like that
sort of links), but none seem to appear and I've just wasted time
waiting for them to appear.
BTW, I pretty much hate popups because they seldom work
properly and they always seem kind of sluggish. Only thing that's
worse than having to use them is having something that looks like
them but is not.
A lot of stuff has been removed from plain sight which means
more clicking and scrolling and searching and waiting.
Oh yes, let's all start burying information..
Having some of the information hidden in plain sight is a nice
touch. I mean that release stuff and "shortcuts".
The marketing BS filter behind my eyes blocks most of the content
on the site pretty well as it is but that release stuff and
"shortcuts" seem to have been designed to get filtered out.
It actually requires me conscious effort to read them.
With Opera, about 40% of the screen space is left unused.
I *liked* the quick links the old one had on the sides.
Have you tried it with lynx?
Lynx Version 2.8.5rel.1 (04 Feb 2004) doesn't seem to handle XML,
so when you're in a pinch with your fw/gw machine that doesn't have
X installed and you quickly need to access eg. some documentation
on the site, you're out of luck.
I tried it with lynx, links, camino, opera, safari, and mozilla. All
rendered nicely. It even rendered acceptably on my Treo650.
Can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time.
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