Hej Dave,
Dave Fazio wrote:
Totally agree and understand your point -- a graphical install option
would mainly appeal to desktop users. But let's be honest; considering
the competition install base of Red Hat, Mac OS X, SUN, and (ech!)
Windows, the day of GUI deskop'd servers is here now; Purests hate it
Well, RedHat has a graphical installer, but redhat also has a tool
called kickstart for automatic installations. So they have basically both :)
Sun has something similar for Solaris, I forgot the name, though.
sure, but it's a fact, and shouldn't be discounted altogether as an
option for modern day server configurations.
should be IMO still non-graphical as long as you have big serverfarms
like Database and Webservers. I'm managing approx 1000 servers with some
colluegues. Unluckily it's Debian GNU/Linux systems, but at least it's
an automatic installation done via FAI (google for FAI Debian).
I'd prefer FreeBSD, though. And I know that there are some tutorials
howto do an automagic installation of FreeBSD.
There's no point to digress more on this subject now, but FreeBSD is in
my opinion the best of *all* general purpose OSs -- But to properly
manage a FreeBSD (ports/packages,source builds, etc), the devil is
definitely in the details. Apple has smoothed our these details in
short order -- why can't we?
I don't know about MacOS X as a server. I'm just using it on my
PowerBook for daily work :)
best regards,
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