J. T. Farmer wrote:
Uzi wrote:

super-smack select-key
        5.4-RELEASE             ~20,000 queries/second
        6.0-CURRENT             ~24,000 queries/second
        CentOS w/async  ~36,000 queries/second
        CentOS w/sync   ~26,000 queries/second

super-smack update-select
        5.4-RELEASE             ~4,000 queries/second
        6.0-CURRENT             ~4,500 queries/second
        CentOS w/async  ~7,500 queries/second
        CentOS w/sync   ~750 queries/second

That last CentOS number is not a typo, it was an order of magnitude slower. I didn't try other file systems on CentOS, just the default ext3. It's possible that reiserfs or xfs might not be as affected by switching from async to sync.
So my production server is now happily running mysql 4.1 on 
6.0-CURRENT :).

I don't get it.
You get 30% less perfomance, running a non-production release for production, and happy about it?

Try reading it again. The last time I checked, 24k queries/sec _is_ faster than
20k queries/sec.  And 4.5k queries/sec is faster than 4.0k queries/sec.
I think he meant comparing 36,000 on CentOS (async) to 24,000 on 
CURRENT (sync). I wondered that myself, and having searched out the 
answer I find that it is declared in

that async provides fast writes at the cost of "no guarantee at all for a consistent state of the filesystem". So, you choose: fast but not so reliable writes, or slower writes with fast, reliable disaster recovery.
Thanks to the FreeBSD team for choosing the sensible default, even 
if it results in the occasional "Linux is faster!" debate. Dang 
smirky penguins... you're flightless I tell ya, flightless. =)

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
<gregb at scls.lib.wi.us>, (608) 266-6348
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