Greg Barniskis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>that async provides fast writes at the cost of "no guarantee at all 
>for a consistent state of the filesystem". So, you choose: fast but 
>not so reliable writes, or slower writes with fast, reliable 
>disaster recovery.
>Thanks to the FreeBSD team for choosing the sensible default, even 
>if it results in the occasional "Linux is faster!" debate. Dang 
>smirky penguins... you're flightless I tell ya, flightless. =)

Is CentOS using ext2? I thought everyone moved to ext3 already, which
provides nearly the speed of ext2+async but is safe due to its journal.
If you make such comparisons, please use current technology, and not
the status quo of 5 years ago.

[Apart from that, over the last decade, I've lost more UFS filesystems
than ext2, so at least for me, that purported unsafety of ext2+async
mounts is theoretical at best. In the end, with today's write-caches
usually enabled, both are essentially the same, anyways.]

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