On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 11:01:30PM +0200, Matthias Buelow wrote..
> David Sze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >I'm not sure filesystem consistency alone is "good enough".  Say your
> >bank's database crashes right after you make a deposit.  When it comes
> >back up it's consistent, but only up to 5 minutes before the crash due
> >to the async mount.
> A bank doesn't run on Unix. It runs on mainframes, with such funny

Total bull..

> features like processors executing each instruction in parallel, 
> and comparing the results. Completely different universe here.

Sorry, when was the last time you saw a bank backoffice computer room?

If you give me $5 per Unix system found there I can retire here and now.

Wilko Bulte                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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