On Apr 18, 2019, at 8:01 AM, Pete French <petefre...@ingresso.co.uk> wrote:

I have a radeon graphics card, too. Recently, I had a problem with the graphics/drm-kmod hanging on boot in multi-user. My fix was to switch to graphics/drm-legacy-kmod, which at least lets the system boot again. I figure the newer graphics/drm-kmod no longer supports my old radeon card.

So, I was about to post about this, and then saw this thread. I too ave had to go back to the legacy-kmod because something broke it in the last couple of weeks. Was using the new one fine until then. Unfortunately I didnt know it was broken as have been working remotely and thus not in front of the machine. But I doubt that the Radeon stopped being supported soehow - that would be mentioned somewhere surely ? It looks like a hang on loading the module to me.

As of yesterday, the graphics/drm-fbsd12.0-kmod port is working for me[1]. This is good news because a) the video quality is better, and, b) it supports colour, which graphics/drm-legacy-kmod didn't seem to. (So now I get a green status bar again in tmux.)

In other words, it may be that whatever broke in graphics/drm-kmod has now been fixed?



[1] At least working in FreeBSD 12.0-STABLE r346597.

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