Hi List,

I have 2 Pc Engines APU's. They have been running 10.x and 11.0/1 without any issues for quite some time now. I've updated the APU1 to 11.2 without an problems. The APU2 however throws thousands of

mmc0: Card at relative address 1 failed to select

and hundreds of

mmc0: CMD7 failed, RESULT: 1

errors in the process of updating it to 11.2 (after the reboot and issueing the "freebsd-update install" command again). After a few minutes of uptime it sometimes reboots again.

First I thought the sdhc card was to blame and restored a backup from 11.1 , on a new card but the same problems are induced every time I try to upgrade to 11.2 :( I've mounted the sdhc card on another FreeBSD machine and did and performed fsck prior to booting 11.2 but that doesn't prevent the io errors.

I'm wondering: has anybody managed to run 11.2  successfully on a Pc Engines APU2 (from a sdhc card) yet? Or could somebody perhaps suggest a way to debug this issue further?

Any feedback appreciated :)

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