20.02.2013 15:41, Peter Jeremy ???????(??):
> You left out:
>  4. Code relies on language features that are not supported by the compiler.
>     (It's not a bug that gcc 4.2.1 (eg) doesn't suppert C++11)
If a compiler does not support a feature, it is supposed to error-out
upon encountering it, not generate invalid code. If this was, in fact,
the reason for the problem, it would've been a compiler bug.
>  5. Code relies on specific compiler features
Depending on what you mean by "compiler features" here, this is simply a
duplicate of either your own 4 or my 1.
> Feel free to answer your own question if it's important to you.  No-one
> else is particularly interested.
Is that why you decided to chime-in? Because you are not "particularly
interested"? Maybe, you should've remained outside this lovely
discussion, if this was really true?

Jung-uk Kim answered my question, though.
> As others have indicated, the toolchain provided in the base system is
> intended only for building the base system.
This was never true before and it is rather sad, if it were really
becoming the truth now. More than likely, though, this is just a cheap
excuse. Kind of like: "you did not pay for the code, did you, so don't
expect it to work".


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