On 19.02.2013 14:45, Jung-uk Kim wrote:
Actually, I tried very hard to build sane LO with gcc 4.2 but it
wasn't fruitful.  Eventually, I gave up on adding kludges after
kludges because LO is moving away from pre-C++11 compilers anyway.:-(
Should not a pre-C++11 compiler simply /fail/ upon encountering C++11 code?
>And if there is a*good*  reason to reject the base compiler, I'd
>expect such good reason to be documented -- preferably with
>bug-reports filed against either the FreeBSD and its toolchain or
>against the LibreOffice code. Or both...
I believe there were plenty PRs already.
I can not find any :-( The ones against FreeBSD <http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi?category=&severity=&priority=&class=&state=&sort=none&text=libreoffice&responsible=&multitext=&originator=&release=> all talk about build failures (except the 176269 <http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/176269>, filed today). There are no relevant bug-reports against LibreOffice, that mention "gcc-4.2.1" <https://bugassistant.libreoffice.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=gcc-4.2.1> or "gcc 4.2.1 <https://bugassistant.libreoffice.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=gcc%204.2.1>".


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