2. Kadu/Gnu Gadu.
I dont know why, but when i run kadu / gnu gadu and try to connect to
Gadu-Gadu network software segments ;/
Kadu with signal 6, GnuGadu with signal 11.
I try to use old gadulib, or recompie it. But this doesn't help ;/

I run portmaster -y --no-confirm --packages-if-newer -m 'BATCH=yes' -d -a
And... its works;)

[cr4sh@x300 ~]$ uname -a
FreeBSD x300 9.0-BETA3 FreeBSD 9.0-BETA3 #2: Mon Sep 26 00:25:30 CEST
2011     cr4sh@x300:/sys/amd64/compile/GENERIC  amd64


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