On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 12:59:24PM +0200, Christian Walther wrote:
> On the downside there seem to be some work needing to be done IRT
> kernel based 3D acceleration. I don't know the current status, but the
> last I heard was that NVidias drivers can't be ported to FreeBSD
> because the kernel lacks some functionality required (something
> related to addressing the graphics board directly from software,
> So if you want the latest features and eye candy (say, KDE4s Plasma)
> and make heavy use of xcompmgr, there might be better choices.

As others have pointed out NVidia drivers for FreeBSD have been
available for some time, and they work just fine.

As far as eye candy goes, I assure you KDE Plasma bells and whistles
(compositing etc.) work just fine even on a 9 year old Pentium 4 w/ 1GB
RAM and an NVidia GeForce 6200.  I'm actually amazed how well it works,
it's faster than XFCE on Slackware was...  Weird stuff. O.o (I'm not
really implying anything, just noticing something I didn't expect.)

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