On 2010-02-09 06:37:47AM -0500, Dan Langille wrote:
> Charles Sprickman wrote:
>> On Mon, 8 Feb 2010, Dan Langille wrote:
> > Also, it seems like
>> people who use zfs (or gmirror + gstripe) generally end up buying pricey 
>> hardware raid cards for compatibility reasons.  There seem to be no decent 
>> add-on SATA cards that play nice with FreeBSD other than that weird 
>> supermicro card that has to be physically hacked about to fit.

Mostly only because certain cards have issues w/shoddy JBOD implementation. 
Some cards (most notably ones like Adaptec 2610A which was rebranded by 
Dell as the "CERC SATA 1.5/6ch" back in the day) won't let you run the 
drives in passthrough mode and seem to all want to stick their grubby 
little RAID paws into your JBOD setup (i.e. the only way to have minimal
participation from the "hardware" RAID is to set each disk as its own 
RAID-0/volume in the controller BIOS) which then cascades into issues with 
SMART, AHCI, "triple caching"/write reordering, etc on the FreeBSD side (the 
controller's own craptastic cache, ZFS vdev cache, vmm/app cache, oh my!). 
So *some* people go with something tried-and-true (basically bordering on 
server-level cards that let you ditch any BIOS type of RAID config and 
present the raw disk devices to the kernel).

> They use software RAID and hardware RAID at the same time?  I'm not sure 
> what you mean by this.  Compatibility with FreeBSD?
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Peter C. Lai                 | Bard College at Simon's Rock
Systems Administrator        | 84 Alford Rd.
Information Technology Svcs. | Gt. Barrington, MA 01230 USA
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