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On 09.02.2010 15:37, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> I can't agree with the last statement about HP's iLO. I have addon card
> in ML110 G5 (dedicated NIC), the card is "expensive" and bugs are
> amazing. The management NIC freezes once a day (or more often) with
> older firmware and must be restarted from inside the installed system by
> IPMI command on "localhost". With newer firmware, the interface is
> periodicaly restarded. The virtual media doesn't work at all. It is my
> worst experience with remote management cards.
> I believe that other HP servers with built-in card with different FW is
> working better, this is just my experience.
> Next one is eLOM in Sun Fire X2100 (shared NIC using bge + ASF). ASF
> works without problem, but virtual media works only if you are
> connecting by IP address, not by domain name (from Windows machines) and
> there is some issue with timeouts of virtual media / console.
> I reported this + 8 different bugs of web management interface to Sun
> more than year ago - none was fixed.
> Next place is for IBM 3650 + RSA II card (dedicated NIC). Expensive,
> something works, somthing not. For example the card can't read CPU
> temperature, so you will not recieve any alert in case of overheating.
> (it was 2 years ago, maybe newer firmware is fixed)
> Then I have one Supermicro Twin server 6016TT-TF with built-in IPMI /
> KVM with dedicated NIC port. I found one bug with fan rpm readings (half
> the number compared to BIOS numbers) and one problem with FreeBSD 7.x
> sysinstall (USB keyboard not working, but sysinstall from 8.x works
> without problem). In installed FreeBSD system keyboard and virtual media
> is working without problems.
> On the top is Dell R610 DRAC (dedicated NIC) - I didn't find any bugs
> and there are a lot more features compared to concurrent products.

I think the general consensus here is "nice theory lousy
implementation", and the added migraine of no such thing as a common

Maybe creating a common standard for this could be a nice GSOC project,
to build a nice "remote console" based on SSH and arm/mips?

p.s. I've seen the various proprietary remote console solutions. They
didn't really impress me much, so I ended up using off-the-shelf
components for building my servers. Not necessarily cheaper, but at
least it's under _MY_ control.


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