Am 30.01.2017 um 14:52 schrieb jungle Boogie <>:
>> On 30 January 2017 at 14:24, heasley <> wrote:
>> Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 01:56:03PM -0800, jungle Boogie:
>>>> On 30 January 2017 at 11:52, heasley <> wrote:
>>>> Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 01:57:32PM +0100, Dag-Erling Smørgrav:
>>>>> heasley <> writes:
>>>>>> So, what is the BCP to support a v1 client for outbound connections on 
>>>>>> fbsd
>>>>>> 11?  Hopefully one that I do not need to maintain by building a special 
>>>>>> ssh
>>>>>> from ports.  Is there a pkg that I'm missing?
>>>>> FreeBSD 10 supports SSHv1 and will continue to do so.  FreeBSD 11 and 12
>>>>> do not, and neither does the openssh-portable port.  I'm afraid you will
>>>>> have to find some other SSH client.
>>>> That is sad; I doubt that I am the only one who would need this - there
>>>> are millions of Cisco, HP, and etc network devices that folks must continue
>>>> to access but will never receive new firmware with sshv2.  It takes a long
>>>> time for some equipment to transition to the recycle bin - even after
>>>> vendor EOLs.
>>> Well you have about 7 months until it's deprecated from openssh.
>>> What's wrong with continuing to use openSSH 7.4 post sshv1
>>> deprecation?
>> whats wrong with providing a 7.4+v1 port for everyone to use?
> What will happen when 7.4 gets a vulnerability, then? I don't think
> you or I will be patching it (or anyone else) and therefore, the
> port/pkg will be knowingly vulnerable.
> Why do we want that?

So you ate advocating telnet? Such a client is likely better still than telnet, 
which is the only alternative. 

Without a pkg, folks are forced to maintain it themselves. Which is more likely 
to receive less attention between now and EoS for v1?

Dont make choices for or impose your rhetoric upon others, provide them the 
tools to make their choices. 

> -- 
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