> > I searched your site, but my burning question is, How
> > do I start the Graphical Interfaces, KDE and Gnome? I
> > did a Custom Installation following the directions of
> > the website. I installed all the packages and Ports. I
> > want to learn everything.
> I don't know about gnome but for KDE, add the line 
> exec startkde 
> in to a local file called ".xinitrc". There are ways to make it startup 
> at login but I choose to type startx at the command line.

If you use gdm (which comes with Gnome) as a login manager, you will be
automatically logged into Gnome.

To launch gdm at boot time, the following is necessary

cp /usr/X11R6/etc/rc.d/gdm.sample /usr/local/etc/rc.d/gdm.sh
chmod a+x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/gdm.sh

You can also launch gdm manually on the console.


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