Good day. I would like to extend to you, whomever you are, my heartfelt gratitude for this operating system.
I come from a poor community in the heart of South Africa. I learned about computers and how they work, using Microsoft operating systems. I have had no experience with any other operating system besides this. Windows NT, 2000 and XP. I was given a copy of FreeBSD release 5.0 by a gentleman I happened to meet whom is into the Unix Operating system. He gave me 2 CD-Rom disks and 2 Stiffy disks. I have read your site, I found it most informative. I installed the FreeBSD Operating System onto a Pentium II computer. It worked first time, Great!!!! I searched on Google for commands and have found some..... I searched your site, but my burning question is, How do I start the Graphical Interfaces, KDE and Gnome? I did a Custom Installation following the directions of the website. I installed all the packages and Ports. I want to learn everything. I am of the understanding that the Operating System loves command line. I dont feel that I am at that level yet to configure from the command line. An old adage in South AFrica goes, work from what you know, to what you don't know. I want to learn everything about the Operating System. I see its Potential is GREAT.... So much can be done for the people who cannot afford old or new computers never mind the licenses for the Other operating systems here like Novell and Microsoft. I desperately want to learn about this. I have come to an internet cafe to educate myself further. My problem is that resources are limited here regarding our access to Alternative Operating Systems and equipment. The potential that the discovery of this Operating System and what it offers makes me salivate with happiness. I can make a meal of this and do so many things within the community along the lines of empowerment.... I have heard about Linux, but have read from a few sources that the FreeBSD Operating system is amongst the more secure out there as well as that FreeBSD 5.0 has the ability to emulate linux. So In my understanding I get multiple Operating Systems, with Multiple capabilities all roled into 1 ( well 2 disks!). Please help in this regard. If possible, please help me with the commands or where I can find them!!! I would appreciate this greatly!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You so much for this Operating. Please pass this on to whomever is concerned. My compliments and gratitude to one and all !!!! Thanking You as well as hoping for a favourable response. Yours Sincerely Adam __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it! _______________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"