On Thursday 22 January 2004 12:44 am, Khoi - San Zulu wrote:
> Good day.
> I would like to extend to you, whomever you are, my
> heartfelt gratitude for this operating system.
> I come from a poor community in the heart of South
> Africa. I learned about computers and how they work,
> using Microsoft operating systems. I have had no
> experience with any other operating system besides
> this.
> Windows NT, 2000 and XP. I was given a copy of FreeBSD
> release 5.0 by a gentleman I happened to meet whom is
> into the Unix Operating system. He gave me 2 CD-Rom
> disks and 2 Stiffy disks. I have read your site, I
> found it most informative. I installed the FreeBSD
> Operating System onto a Pentium II computer. It worked
> first time, Great!!!!  I searched on Google for
> commands and have found some.....
> I searched your site, but my burning question is, How
> do I start the Graphical Interfaces, KDE and Gnome? I
> did a Custom Installation following the directions of
> the website. I installed all the packages and Ports. I
> want to learn everything.

I don't know about gnome but for KDE, add the line 
exec startkde 
in to a local file called ".xinitrc". There are ways to make it startup 
at login but I choose to type startx at the command line.


> I am of the understanding that the Operating System
> loves command line. I dont feel that I am at that
> level yet to configure from the command line. An old
> adage in South AFrica goes, work from what you know,
> to what you don't know. I want to learn everything
> about the Operating System. I see its Potential is
> GREAT.... So much can be done for the people who
> cannot afford old or new computers never mind the
> licenses for the Other operating systems here like
> Novell and Microsoft.  I desperately want to learn
> about this. I have come to an internet cafe to educate
> myself further. My problem is that resources are
> limited here regarding our access to Alternative
> Operating Systems and equipment. The potential that
> the discovery of this Operating System and what it
> offers makes me salivate with happiness. I can make a
> meal of this and do so many things within the
> community along the lines of empowerment.... I have
> heard about Linux, but have read from a few sources
> that the FreeBSD Operating system is amongst the more
> secure out there as well as that FreeBSD 5.0 has the
> ability to emulate linux. So In my understanding I get
> multiple Operating Systems, with Multiple capabilities
> all roled into 1 ( well 2 disks!).
> Please help in this regard. If possible, please help
> me with the commands or where I can find them!!!  I
> would appreciate this greatly!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Thank You so much for this Operating. Please pass this
> on to whomever is concerned. My compliments and
> gratitude to one and all !!!!
> Thanking You as well as hoping for a favourable
> response.
> Yours Sincerely
> Adam
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Kent Stewart
Richland, WA


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