On 1/25/2013 9:12 AM, Polytropon wrote:
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 15:26:23 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 15:04:14 +0100, Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> wrote:
        % ls -lR / | grep -v "/home" | grep "rocketmouse"

It's better I umount at least Arch Linux.

True. :-)

There anyway is an issue, it doesn't show the pass, I checked this with

$ ls -lR /home/ | grep -v "/home"

after running

$ ls -lR / | grep -v "/home" | grep "rocketmouse"

IOW I get tons of files, but don't know to which directory they belong.

Sorry, that was something I didn't take into mind, you're right.
Maybe this command is more efficient:

# find / -exec ls -l {} \; | grep -v "/home" | grep "rocketmouse"

It may be a good idea to send the output into a temporary file
and check it when the command has finished. As I said, you will
probably see some "false positives", but look for anything
strange in /usr.

Since there was a comment about cats, you can also use this.

find / -not \( -name home -prune \) -uid 1000 -or -gid 1000 -ls

Sorry if my original command ended up breaking your system, but at least you're getting to learn how to fix problems without just wiping and starting over from scratch. I once was in /tmp and ran "rm -rf .*" to delete all hidden directories in /tmp. I realized a problem when it tried to delete files in /usr that aren't deletable without changing permissions. I was able to recover and reinstall from /usr/src. The rm had wiped out /boot.
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