On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 13:05:51 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> The user can't become root using Xfce Terminal Emulator or by ttyv1 (Ctrl  
> + Alt + F2). This was possible before I switched the uid.
> Before the switch PPPoE was enabled automatically, now I have to do it  
> manually.
> $ su
> su: not running setuid
> $ ls -l `which su`
> -r-sr-xr-x  1 rocketmouse  wheel  16880 Dec 23 18:38 /usr/bin/su

Erm... that looks horribly wrong.

The permissions indicate that setuid is set, but the file
owner is wrong. For comparison:

-r-sr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  14604 2011-08-21 20:24:28 /usr/bin/su*

This program has to belong to root. It seems that your
attempt to reflect UID changes in the file permissions
exceeded the scope of this task: Programs of the OS
seem to be affected, which is definitely not good.

> $ ls -l /home/ | grep rocketmouse
> drwxr-xr-x  28 rocketmouse  rocketmouse     1536 Jan 25 12:17 rocketmouse

You can use ls -ld to omit the grep step. :-)

> $ id
> uid=1000(rocketmouse) gid=1000(rocketmouse)  
> groups=1000(rocketmouse),0(wheel)

Seems to be okay.

> Ctrl + Alt + F2 >
> '# ppp -ddial alice' does work
> '# find / -uid 1001 -exec chown 1000 '{}' \;' no messages
> '# find / -gid 1001 -exec chown :1000 '{}' \;' no messages
> > Ctrl + Alt + F9

I think you can now spot a possible mistake for the file owner
change I mentioned above: Only files inside /home should have
been in the initial scope, but somehow -uid 1001 has been
avaluated true for /usr/bin/su, even though I cannot imagine
what should have caused this.

Do you have other files in /usr or even /usr/local that do
belong to rocketmouse (uid == 1000 or 1001) now? That should
not have happened...

> Without success I again read some important messages of this thread in the  
> archive and googled regarding to the suid issue.

Some programs check by whom they are called or who they
belong to; if that's != root when it is _supposed_ to
be root, that can cause problems, especially when it's
not a simple x (execute), but s (setuid) program like
an X display manager.

> Any hints are welcome!

Check for defective permissions. In worst case, update
your system from source or binary to fix permissions.
Maybe there's also an "mtree trick" to do it.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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