On Sat, 2013-01-26 at 08:49 +0100, Polytropon wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 23:22:29 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 22:51:55 +0100, Joshua Isom <jri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Sorry if my original command ended up breaking your system
> > 
> > Don't worry, I run dump to backup it, but I'll try to fix it without  
> > restoring it from the backup.
> Maybe you can read the original owners from that backup and
> just _change them_ accordingly? As the files haven't been
> altered, there would be no need to rewrite them entirely.

I used dump and can't find how to extract something from the dump files.
If I would restore from a dump I would lose something, since the dump is
some days old and I worked on my FreeBSD.

If it would be possible to write a script that does rebuild everything,
with the same configs and _without the need of user interaction_ I would
rebuild and if needed update (at least Chromium) everything. But last
time there were still yes/no (should I delete this file) questions all
the times.


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