On 24/02/2015 3:45 AM, Nick Rogers wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Johan Hendriks <joh.hendr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Op 23-02-15 om 16:31 schreef Marko Cupać:
>>> On Sat, 21 Feb 2015 08:28:40 +0100
>>> Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs> wrote:
>>>  On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 21:23:15 -0500
>>>> Robert Simmons <rsimmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  That is true. It looks like an update to both 3.5 and 3.4 were
>>>>> released on the same day. How about dropping www/squid33 and
>>>>> creating a www/squid34 port. Then updating the www/squid port to
>>>>> 3.5.2.
>>>> I would say this is a bad idea, as squid 3.5 does not work on FreeBSD
>>>> 10.1 with GENERIC kernel. Furthermore, it won't be fixed with
>>>> binary patches (ie. until 10.2 or 11.0).
>>>> I think www/squid should be recommended squid version for FreeBSD
>>>> users. It wouldn't be appropriate to recommend version which does not
>>>> work without recompiling kernel.
>>>> We discussed it not so long ago:
>>>> https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=freebsd-ports@
>>>> freebsd.org&q=subject:%22Re%3A+www%2Fsquid+does+not+
>>>> shutdown+via+rc%22&o=newest
>>> I have just installed www/squid33 because I wanted to avoid compiling
>>> custom kernel, but apparently it does not shutdown via rc either.
>>> I think we are closer to conclusion that no version of squid can be
>>> controlled with included rc scripts on 10.1-pX. Perhaps users who
>>> install squid on 10.1 should be warned somehow (pkg message or
>>> something).
>> Just a me to,  Squid33 on FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p5 does not kill squid with
>> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/squid stop
> Yeah, the FreeBSD bug definitely affects all 3.x versions of squid,
> possibly even the old 2.7 stuff. Nobody on the FreeBSD side yet seems to
> think its a big enough of a regression to patch 10.1-RELEASE. I tried
> raising the problem with the squid team, thinking perhaps there is some
> workaround they could implement, but there was no response.
> http://lists.squid-cache.org/pipermail/squid-users/2015-January/001745.html
> For now the consensus is you must patch the 10.1 kernel for the shutdown
> behavior to work correctly. And the problem is not unique to the rc script.
Yes - that's correct.  This was covered late January and 10.1Stable contains 
the fix.

(Cut/paste of an email between ports@ and John Marshall which explains the 
situation :)

On Tue, 27 Jan 2015, 00:29 +0900, Yasuhiro KIMURA wrote:

> Yes, this is bug. But it is bug of 10.1-RELEASE rather than squid.
> See following bug report:
> Bug 195802 - www/squid restarts after shutdown and dumps core
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=195802

Thank you so much for posting this link!  Merging r275456 and r275502
from stable/10 to my releng/10.1 src tree and rebuilding and installing
the kernel, means that I can once again manage squid 3.4.n via the rc.d
script instead of a prescribed series of kill(1) commands.

...and thank you rea@ and kib@ for the patches!

-- John Marshall

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