Op 26 jun. 2014, om 16:49 heeft Adam Weinberger <ad...@adamw.org> het volgende 

> On 25 Jun, 2014, at 12:07, Robert Fitzpatrick <rob...@webtent.org> wrote:
>>>     Dirk-Willem van Gulik   Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:51 AM
>>> Still trying to get to the bottom of it - but seeing issues after todays 
>>> pkg update.
>>> I suspect that the DNS API change
>>> https://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=7057
>> I am setting up a new server and ran into the same DNS issue while testing 
>> Spamassasin 3.4. I applied the above patch and it seems to have corrected 
>> the issue, not getting the eval failed any longer. Strange this is, my 
>> version of p5-Net-DNS is 0.73 and the bug reports this only started 
>> happening with 0.76.
> This issue was fixed a week ago in r358624. If your p5-Net-DNS is still 0.73 
> then you need to update your ports tree --- that hasn’t been the current 
> version for over 5 months.

I updated to below version - but did need the Spam Assassin patch earlier 

That does make sense I guess; as it is the change in the API of p5-Net-DNS-0.76 
that drives the need for the patch to Spam Assassin. As to have the latter 
follow the name server API change.


 pkg info p5-Net-DNS
Name           : p5-Net-DNS
Version        : 0.76
Installed on   : Sun Jun 22 16:55:49 CEST 2014
Origin         : dns/p5-Net-DNS
Architecture   : freebsd:10:x86:64
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : perl5 net ipv6 dns
Licenses       : GPLv1 or ART10
Maintainer     : p...@freebsd.org
WWW            : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-DNS/
Comment        : Perl5 interface to the DNS resolver, and dynamic updates
Options        :
        IDN            : off
        IPV6           : on
Flat size      : 625KiB
Description    :
Net::DNS is a collection of Perl modules to interface with the Domain Name
System (DNS) resolver. It allows the programmer to perform queries that are
beyond the capabilities of gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr.

There are also methods for dealing with creating and parsing dynamic updates

WWW: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-DNS/

Name           : spamassassin
Version        : 3.4.0_10
Installed on   : Sun Jun 22 16:56:23 CEST 2014
Origin         : mail/spamassassin
Architecture   : freebsd:10:x86:64
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : perl5 mail
Licenses       : APACHE20
Maintainer     : ad...@freebsd.org
WWW            : http://spamassassin.apache.org/
Comment        : Highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
Options        :
        AS_ROOT        : on
        DCC            : off
        DKIM           : off
        GNUPG          : on
        MYSQL          : off
        PGSQL          : off
        PYZOR          : off
        RAZOR          : off
        RELAY_COUNTRY  : off
        SPF_QUERY      : off
        SSL            : on
Flat size      : 3.16MiB
Description    :
SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using text
analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists.

Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail
headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited
commercial email.

Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later
filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application.

Additional drop-in rule sets are available at

WWW: http://spamassassin.apache.org/

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