On 24.06.2014, at 12:57, Dirk-Willem van Gulik <di...@webweaving.org> wrote:
> Op 24 jun. 2014, om 12:07 heeft Kurt Jaeger <li...@opsec.eu> het volgende 
> geschreven:

>> If you still see the problem, can you provide more details ?
>> What did you test ? What was the output ?
> The symptom is all DNS failing within Spam Assassin in the default FreeBSD 
> 10-p3 with latest packages situations; logs will show:
>       Jun 24 12:02:04 weser spamd[78829]: plugin: eval failed: 
> available_nameservers: No DNS servers available! 
>       Jun 24 12:02:04 weser spamd[78829]:  (available_nameservers: [...] No 
> DNS servers available!) 
> and the solution is to apply the patch from above SA link (below) -OR- go to 
> a version from apache.org >= revision 1603518; for which 
> there is not yet a release/tag 
> (http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1603518).

I ran into the same issue (10-STABLE, recent ports), and JFTR: I had to 
downgrade p5-Net-DNS-0.77 back to p5-Net-DNS-0.76 to get spamassassin-3.4.0_11 
running again, no patches applied.


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