Op 24 jun. 2014, om 12:07 heeft Kurt Jaeger <li...@opsec.eu> het volgende 

> Hi!
>> Still trying to get to the bottom of it - but seeing issues after
>> todays pkg update.
>> I suspect that the DNS API change
>>      https://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=7057
>> also hits us.

Meanwhile - got to the bottom if it - and it needs indeed said patch.

> It's being worked on in
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=191101
> If you still see the problem, can you provide more details ?
> What did you test ? What was the output ?

The symptom is all DNS failing within Spam Assassin in the default FreeBSD 
10-p3 with latest packages situations; logs will show:

        Jun 24 12:02:04 weser spamd[78829]: plugin: eval failed: 
available_nameservers: No DNS servers available! 
        Jun 24 12:02:04 weser spamd[78829]:  (available_nameservers: [...] No 
DNS servers available!) 
and the solution is to apply the patch from above SA link (below) -OR- go to a 
version from apache.org >= revision 1603518; for which 
there is not yet a release/tag 


--- Mail/SpamAssassin/DnsResolver.pm.orig       2014-05-07 17:54:29 +0200
+++ Mail/SpamAssassin/DnsResolver.pm    2014-06-18 02:13:32 +0200
@@ -205,6 +205,8 @@
     dbg("dns: servers set by config to: %s", join(', ',@ns_addr_port));
   } elsif ($res) {  # default as provided by Net::DNS, e.g. /etc/resolv.conf
-    @ns_addr_port = map(untaint_var("[$_]:" . $res->{port}),
-                        @{$res->{nameservers}});
+    my @ns = $res->UNIVERSAL::can('nameservers') ? $res->nameservers
+                                                 : @{$res->{nameservers}};
+    my $port = $res->UNIVERSAL::can('port') ? $res->port : $res->{port};
+    @ns_addr_port = map(untaint_var("[$_]:" . $port), @ns);
     dbg("dns: servers obtained from Net::DNS : %s", join(', ',@ns_addr_port));

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