14.02.2013 08:55, Tom Evans написав(ла):
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Mikhail T. <mi+t...@aldan.algebra.com> wrote:
>> > I may sound defensive here, but I'll still repeat, that "this singular 
>> > port"
>> > (and I do, in fact, have other ones like it) started using bsd.lib.mk 5
>> > years before src.conf (and its man-page) was added to the tree.
> This is true. But what is the bug, that the port's Makefile.bsd was
> not updated on the introduction of src.conf to DTRT (and no-one
> noticed for 7 years), or that the purpose of src.conf has been
> mistakenly documented for 7 years?

I think, the bug is either in documentation or implementation of
src.conf (if it had to be implemented at all, that is) -- there was
never (and still is not) any suggestion, that bsd.{prog,lib}.mk are not
supposed to be used by other people's software.

Maybe, if the file is really meant to be used by *world and *kernel
targets, the knob should've been _WITH_SRCONF -- and added to the
environment by src/Makefile? Because, forget ports for a second, what if
my own little project uses bsd.prog.mk -- because Makefiles using it
tend to fit in a window without scrolling?

I'd say, the documentation should be updated to state, that src.conf
will affect anything, that uses bsd.*.mk family of makefiles, unless
_WITHOUT_SRCCONF is set. The entire /usr/src as well as "some of the
ports" may then be listed as examples of the areas affected. This will
reflect reality and help avoid frustration that O. Hartmann went through.


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