On, Tue Jun 26, 2012, Mark Felder wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 04:31:40 -0500, Andrea Venturoli <m...@netfence.it>
> wrote:
> >
> > The "effort" will be 3x processing time for portupgrade (or whatever) to
> > update the package database 3 times as much as before.
> pkgng uses sqlite. Please provide proof that it is as slow or slower than
> our current package database is.

If I am trying to convince a customer of some solution X, I usually do
not tell him to provide proof that the offered solution is worse than
the current one when negotiating. Instead I try to convince him that the
offered solution is better, more robust, future-proof, easier to
maintain and saves tons of money.

Please do not validate a system as good, just because noone yet provided
some figures that outline that the existing system is in fact worse.

That said, I might assume that the sqlite solution is faster, but noone
can see that yet.


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