On 26/06/2012 17:00, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> I'm not sure I undestood correctly (from this and other posts); please
> correct me if I'm wrong:
> _ the whole thing is aimed at packages; I won't be able to install ports
> directly, but I'll get an intermediate step that creates packages
> automatically;
> _ in the PHP example, I will create lots of subpackages, but I will
> eventually install only some;
> _ I can keep the packages somewhere, so I can install them later.

Yes: essentially, the ports tree is used to build packages and those
packages are what are installed.  OpenBSD ports has worked this way for
many years.

> Well, if I'm correct, the above will be a no go for me: lots of my
> customer's servers are tight on disk space and they won't spend for new
> storage. So this will mean I won't be able to use ports anymore and I'll
> need to download packages directly?

If you have many systems to maintain, then pkgng should help by making
it much easier for you to create an off-line package building system and
associated repository.  You won't necessarily have to have a ports tree
on your customer systems at all, and you won't need to take up space on
your customer systems installing any build dependencies there.

Both poudriere and tinderbox-devel support creating pkgng package
repositories, if you want a management system for your build-box.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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