On 5/30/12 5:33 PM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
would only cause confusion.
I'll go one further and suggest that the vast majority who don't want
these features are building specialized systems and they know very
well what they are doing. A global setting for these would be
desirable, though, as someone building a specialized distribution for,
say, an embedded system, will want no docs or examples for any port. I
suspect it is ALMOST always an all or nothing issue, not per port.
for our commercial systems, we don't install man, docs, examples.
and, I would suspect that I would be a little peeved if next time I recompile all the ports, I had to stop and hit 'WITHOUT_PORTDOCS, WITHOUT_PORTEXAMPLES' on every port.

Upward compatibility folks, if at all possible.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
>*| * SECNAP Network Security Corporation
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