On 28 Mar 2012 16:22, "Michael Scheidell" <scheid...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Looking for an FAQ on PORTREVISION bumps on commits, pr's.
> Basically, I make the decision based on 'hey, if I was running a cronjob
to do a portupgrade -Rr every night, would I want this to be upgraded'?
> I know if something is broken across all builds, it doesn't need a
portrevision bump.
> If portversion is bumped, portrevision needs to be reset to 0 (line
deleted from Makefile)
> pkg-plist changed (except for tweaks for portdocs/portexamples)
> options change?  I would think so, I see 'make config' called sometimes
on portrevision bump, so I assume if I change the defaults, or add an
option that changes build, I should bump it.
> What about things like removing a run_depends that isn't nessessary?  ie:
> build_depends= This \ That \ TheOther
> run_depends+= $build_depends
> but, in reality, you only need 'that' to run.
> build_depends= This \ That \ TheOther
> run_depends = that
> Would the average OP want to rebuild the package just to eliminate the
extra run depends?  I am thinking, not.  why bother?
> make deinstall/reinstall via portupgrade or portmanager won't really do
> make package/ pkg_delete/ pkg_add won't do anything.
> So, is there a definitive list?

You also need to consider that packages are rebuilt on a bump, so if the
RUN_DEPEND removal were a real monster, the pkg_add -r users will thank you
for that.

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