on 15/11/2011 18:04 Chris Rees said the following:
> On 15 November 2011 14:34, Andriy Gapon <a...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> Does anyone know good any alternative(s) for cpuburn?
>> If not, then I would like to request that this port be restored.
>> I am prepared to be designated as its maintainer and to host its distfile 
>> (via my
>> FreeBSD account).
>> Maintaining the port should be rather easy as it can not have any security 
>> issues
>> by definition and at the moment there is no active upstream, so no code 
>> changes
>> are expected.
> If you can host it and maintain it, fantastic.
> I notice you're not a ports guy, so if if you like, feel free to send
> me a new url for the MASTER_SITES and I'll do the dirty work for you
> (no patronising intended)

It should be


once the directory is picked up by ftp-master from freefall and propagated to 
mirrors (may take a while, it seems).

>> P.S. Sorry that I've missed its deprecation.  I haven't noticed the activity 
>> until
>> I needed to use it at yet another system.
> Resurrection is easy :) Thanks for helping to keep the tree in good shape.

Thank you for your help!

Andriy Gapon
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