On Apr 20, 2007, at 1:44 PM, David Southwell wrote:

On Friday 20 April 2007 09:38:03 Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
chown -R nobody:mailman /usr/local/mailman/data

Here is what happens if I do that command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/mailman]# bin/check_perms
/usr/local/mailman/data/aliases.db owned by nobody (must be owned by mailman /usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman.db owned by nobody (must be owned by
Problems found: 2
Re-run as mailman (or root) with -f flag to fix
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/mailman]#

Hmmm. Now that I check, I get the same warning. However, my system does work with owners and permissions like this

Still, I guess this isn't a proper solution to the problem since the next time we run

  bin/check_perms -f

we will actually break things on our systems.

Maybe the correct solution is use owner "mailman" and MAIL_GID as "mailman", which means a simple fix to the mailman ports Makefile.

In which case, your attempt to recompile with mailman as the GID would have been the right approach.

The way to reset the OPTIONS for a FreeBSD port is to run

  make config

in the port directory. But the MAIL_GID is not among the options settable that way.

I believe that if you use

  make -DMAIL_GID=mailman reinstall

then that will pass the correct option to the configure script that comes with mailman.



Jeffrey Goldberg                        http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/

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