On Apr 20, 2007, at 9:26 PM, Paul Schmehl wrote:

--On April 20, 2007 7:54:45 PM -0500 Jeffrey Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So the first fix (modifying the owner of data/aliases{,.db}) is the
right way to go, but instead of making those files owned by "nobody"
(which does seem dangerous because than anything running as "nobody"
could change those file) they should be owned by root with mailman as
the group and permissions like 664.

Nobody is an unprivileged user.

Thank you. I forgot about that. I was treating "nobody" like "www" or "mail". It entirely slipped my mind that "nobody" really is different.

it would break to ownership of the aliases file so that we would have
the mismatch between what the uid postfix gives the the wrapper
("mailman") and what the wrapper demands ("nobody").

Nope. I've been running mailman for years now, and it works perfectly fine. The owner of the data directory is mailman, and the group is mailman.
ls -lsa /usr/local/mailman/data/
total 132
2 drwxrwsr-x   2 mailman  mailman    512 Apr  7 19:47 .
2 drwxrwsr-x  20 mailman  mailman    512 Nov 28 17:48 ..
48 -rw-r--r--   1 mailman  mailman  65536 Sep  6  2005 .db
2 -rw-r-----   1 mailman  mailman     41 Sep  6  2005 adm.pw
6 -rw-r--r--   1 root     mailman   4383 Oct 14  2005 aliases
4 -rw-r-----   1 mailman  mailman   3984 Sep  8  2005 aliases.bak
48 -rw-r-----   1 mailman  mailman  49152 May  5  2006 aliases.db
0 -rw-rw-rw- 1 mailman mailman 0 Sep 9 2005 bounce- events-00446.pck 0 -rw-rw-rw- 1 mailman mailman 0 Sep 9 2005 bounce- events-00449.pck 0 -rw-rw-rw- 1 mailman mailman 0 Sep 9 2005 bounce- events-00467.pck 0 -rw-rw-rw- 1 mailman mailman 0 Jan 27 2006 bounce- events-00567.pck 0 -rw-rw-rw- 1 mailman mailman 0 Oct 13 2005 bounce- events-38840.pck
2 -rw-r-----   1 mailman  mailman     41 Sep  6  2005 creator.pw
2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root mailman 10 Nov 28 17:48 last_mailman_version 2 -rw-rw---- 1 mailman mailman 4 Apr 1 08:31 master- qrunner.pid
14 -rw-r--r--   1 root     mailman  14114 Nov 28 17:48 sitelist.cfg

I am fairly confident that if that is working for you, than you are not running with /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman that was compiled with the current port with the postfix option set. The binary mailman has a gid compiled into it. Given the current port WITH_POSTFIX.

Installing the current port WITH_POSTFIX will produce a mailman binary which will only allow itself to be run by "nobody". Yours must have "mailman" compiled in where "nobody" is in what I (and David) get.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/mailman/mail]$ strings mailman | tail
Mailman mail-wrapper
Illegal command: %s
Usage: %s program [args...]
$FreeBSD: src/lib/csu/i386-elf/crtn.S,v 1.6 2005/05/19 07:31:06 dfr Exp $

What is your result on your system? If you get "mailman" where I have "nobody" then one of my earlier suggestions (change MAIL_GID for the postfix setting from "nobody" to "mailman" in the port Makefile) may be the right thing. That is what is most consistent with the mailman install instructions.

From /usr/local/share/doc/mailman/mailman-install.txt

 In section  6.1.1 Integrating Postfix and Mailman

   * When you configure Mailman, use the --with-mail-gid=mailman

However, the current ports Makefile compiles mailman --with-mail- gid=nobody

The same section also says

       Make sure that the owner of the data/aliases and data/aliases.db
file is mailman, that the group owner for those files is mailman, or whatever user and group you used in the configure command, and
       that both files are group writable:
       % su
       % chown mailman:mailman data/aliases*
       % chmod g+w data/aliases*

It is the *group* that matters to postfix, *not* the owner. Per the pkg-message file: Mailman has been installed, but requires further configuration before use!

You will have to configure both your MTA (mail server) and web server to integrate with Mailman. If the port's documentation has been installed,
extensive post-installation instructions may be found in:


Note (1): If you use an alternate (non-Sendmail) MTA, you MUST be sure
that the correct value of MAIL_GID was used when this port or package
was built.  Performing a "make options" in the Mailman port directory
will list required values for various mail servers.

Note that MAIL_GID is what matters. That is the *group* not the owner of the files. Note also that the group only has read writes to the aliases file, although it does have read/write access to the bounce-events files.

However it is the owner of the file containing the pipe alias that matters to postfix local deliveries. See local(8).

So maybe the problem is with check_perms and not with the port at all
(well the port would still need to get the aliases files owned by root).

There's nothing at all wrong with the check_perms script.

I am coming to that conclusion. I now think that my second suggestion of changing the ports Makefile to set MAIL_GID to mailman instead of nobody when configuring for postfix is the correct direction to go.

mailman owns the aliases db for mailman:
ls -lsa /usr/local/mailman/data/aliases*
6 -rw-r--r-- 1 root mailman 4383 Oct 14 2005 /usr/local/ mailman/data/aliases 4 -rw-r----- 1 mailman mailman 3984 Sep 8 2005 /usr/local/ mailman/data/aliases.bak 48 -rw-r----- 1 mailman mailman 49152 May 5 2006 /usr/local/ mailman/data/aliases.db

And this is a working setup of mailman and postfix that's been running for years.

But I don't believe that that set-up will work with the configure options that get passed for compiling mailman with the current port.

PORTNAME=       mailman
CATEGORIES?=    mail

Thus, with a bit more confidence that before I present the same Makefile diff I recommend:

--- Makefile.orig       Fri Apr 20 14:17:08 2007
+++ Makefile    Fri Apr 20 23:57:22 2007
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
PORTNAME=      mailman
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
.if defined(WITH_SENDMAIL) || defined(WITH_EXIM3) || defined(WITH_EXIM4)
BROKEN=        choose only one MTA integration
-MAIL_GID?=     nobody
+MAIL_GID?=     mailman
.if defined(WITH_CHINESE)



Jeffrey Goldberg                        http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/

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