Jeffrey Goldberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 20/04/2007 at 23:59 wrote:

>  From /usr/local/share/doc/mailman/mailman-install.txt
>   In section  6.1.1 Integrating Postfix and Mailman
>     * When you configure Mailman, use the --with-mail-gid=mailman
>       switch;
>  However, the current ports Makefile compiles mailman --with-mail-gid=nobody
>  I am coming to that conclusion.  I now think that my second suggestion of 
>  changing the ports Makefile to set MAIL_GID to mailman instead of nobody 
>  when configuring for postfix is the correct direction to go.

  cd /usr/ports/mail/mailman
  MAIL_GID=mailman make install clean

  works since the commit to mailman's port Makefile in Sep 2006 which
  turned MAIL_GID to nobody (for use with postfix). The change you
  suggest has the same effect, so I'd go for it.

  BTW, does anyone know why MAIL_GID was changed from mailman to


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