Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu wrote:
On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:53:34 -0500
Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
However, sometimes mail systems go down or block traffic for whatever
reason: postmaster's job is a thankless task, and this was true even
before spam and viral email appeared.  Nowadays, it's harder to get
things mostly right (nevermind "perfect"), so postmasters make
imperfect decisions because they are faced with undesirable tradeoffs.

Indeed :-(

However banning a hole country isn't a tradeoff in my book, it's just
plain [inset_the_word_here]. And sin[c]e it's giving a 5XX code there's
really no way to reach the person in question.

I agree that blocking a whole country is a mistake. Short of posting to the mailing list, there's no way to reach whoever it is.

Although I've CC:ed him on the thread.

It has not been my observation that insisting people not make any
mistakes commonly results in fewer mistakes being made, or much less,
in zero mistakes being made.  :-)  Rather than try to insist they
"are not allowed" to do something, I'd prefer to let people make
their own decisions and learn which ones are mistakes.  YMMV....

The problem is that, IMHO, this kind of rejecting affects us all as I
think that being a port maintainer implies receiving and replying to
users' email.

Certainly true.

People doing stuff with FreeBSD ought to whitelist in particular; that would make committers lives easier. But email and even Internet access are not completely reliable; people go away on vacations sometimes, for a timely example. (Merry Christmas/holidays all. :-)

For a maintainer timeout to be useful, there needs to be a pending PR and/or someone else willing to be more accessible. Update the current PR with the bounce and set responsible to Nivo, committing the change or not as you feel best; or file a new PR listing another maintainer if one is available and wait for the standard timeout period pending resolution by the hat-wearing demigods known as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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