On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 14:20:33 -0500
Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu wrote:
> > On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:53:34 -0500
> > Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> However, sometimes mail systems go down or block traffic for
> >> whatever reason: postmaster's job is a thankless task, and this
> >> was true even before spam and viral email appeared.  Nowadays,
> >> it's harder to get things mostly right (nevermind "perfect"), so
> >> postmasters make imperfect decisions because they are faced with
> >> undesirable tradeoffs.
> > 
> > Indeed :-(
> > 
> > However banning a hole country isn't a tradeoff in my book, it's
> > just plain [inset_the_word_here]. And sin[c]e it's giving a 5XX
> > code there's really no way to reach the person in question.
> I agree that blocking a whole country is a mistake.  Short of posting
> to the mailing list, there's no way to reach whoever it is.

Having your country blocked needn't be more than a minor inconvenience.
It's only the last hop IP address that counts, and there are numerous
free mail services around the world, including many that give smtp
access as well as webmail.

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