On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 12:32:13PM +0100, Nils Vogels wrote:
> Hi !
> I'm trying to set up a new port, but I'm unsure how to proceed, until
> now I've only maintained already existing ports.
> The port is a plugin for an already existing port, giving extra
> functionality, but is maintained as a seperate package.
> In order to compile the port, you need a sourcetree of both the original
> port and the port of the plugin, where the sourcetree of the original
> port has to have been ./configure-d
> How would I go about this?

Try something like BUILD_DEPENDS=/nonexistent:${PORTSDIR}/cat/port:configure

This is documented in

Good luck!

Vasil Dimov
A language that doesn't have everything is
actually easier to program in than some that do.
                -- Dennis M. Ritchie

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