On 26/01/2011 08:28 a.m., Ivo Vachkov wrote:

> I would like to propose a patch (against FreeBSD RELENG_8) to extend
> the port randomization support in FreeBSD, according to RFC6056
> (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6056.txt)
> Currently the patch implements:
> - Algorithm 1 (default in FreeBSD 8)
> - Algorithm 2
> - Algorithm 5
> from the aforementioned RFC6056.
> Any of those algorithms can be chosen with the sysctl variable
> net.inet.ip.portrange.rfc6056_algorithm.
> I deliberately skipped Algorithm 3 and Algorithm 4, because I believe
> usage of cryptographic hash functions will introduce unnecessary
> latency in vital network operations. However, in case of expressed
> interest, I will be glad to add those too.

While my opinion may be biased (I'm a co-author of the aforementioned
RFC), I'd strongly argue in favor of the hash-based algorithms. At the
point in which you have a high connection-establishment rate with a
specific destination endpoint, you want to reuse the chances of
collisions. (IIRC, this is why the FreeBSD code at some point disabled
port randomization when connections were being established at a high rate).

As a datapoint, Linux ships with Algorithm #4 enabled by default.


Best regards,
Fernando Gont
e-mail: ferna...@gont.com.ar || fg...@acm.org
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