On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> > I cvsuped three hours ago and the same ARP troubles happened.
> can you repeat exactly what the problem was (bridge machine not
> responding to ARP requests ?) and what is your exact setup (i
> am interested in ipfw config, and the following sysctl vars:
> net.link.ether.bridge
> net.link.ether.bridge_ipfw
> net.link.ether.bridge_cfg
> so i can try to reproduce the problem locally.
I'm not sure if this is related but we're using FreeBSD with a
Emerging Technologies T1 card to do ADSL Bridging and ran into a problem
where for example, if a bridge group was like...
All the nodes can see fine but it
nothing in - 254 can see each other. It seems to be they
can't see each other if they are in the same subnet. So it seems all
machines in the bridge group can see the gateway and the rest of the
world but not each other. Is there a way around this? This is with
4.1-RELEASE, 4.1.1-RELEASE and even 4.2-RELEASE.
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