>ed0: <NE2000 PCI Ethernet (Compex)> port 0xd400-0xd41f irq 9 at device 9.0 
>on pci0
>ed0: address 00:80:48:c6:1d:ec, type NE2000 (16 bit)
>pcn0: <AMD PCnet/Home HomePNA> port 0xd000-0xd01f mem 
>0xe7000000-0xe700001f irq 9 at device 10.0 on pci0
>pcn0: Ethernet address: 00:20:78:b1:74:4a
>xl0: <3Com 3c900-TPO Etherlink XL> port 0xb800-0xb83f irq 12 at device 
>11.0 on pci0
>xl0: Ethernet address: 00:60:97:05:32:cd
>xl0: selecting 10baseT transceiver, half duplex
>rl0: <Accton MPX 5030/5038 10/100BaseTX> port 0xb400-0xb4ff mem 
>0xe6800000-0xe68000ff irq 11 at device 12.0 on pci0
>rl0: Ethernet address: 00:e0:29:68:64:3e
>BRIDGE 990810, have 5 interfaces
>-- index 1  type 6 phy 0 addrl 6 addr 00.80.48.c6.1d.ec
>-- index 2  type 6 phy 0 addrl 6 addr 00.20.78.b1.74.4a
>-- index 3  type 6 phy 0 addrl 6 addr
>-- index 4  type 6 phy 0 addrl 6 addr 00.e0.
>-- match beg(3) <rl0:1,xl0:1,pcn0:2,ed0:2,> p <1,xl0:1,pcn0:2,ed0:2,>
>--++  found rl0:1
>-- match beg(3) <xl0:1,pcn0:2,ed0:2,> p <1,pcn0:2,ed0:2,>
>--++  found xl0:1
>-- match beg(4) <pcn0:2,ed0:2,> p <2,ed0:2,>
>--++  found pcn0:2
>-- match beg(3) <ed0:2,> p <2,>
>--++  found ed0:2
> >> now ed0 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
> >> now pcn0 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
> >> now xl0 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
> >> now rl0 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5

Interesting. 4 interfaces in 2 clusters. Do you have the same problem in 
the 2nd cluster?

Do you have the same problem without clustering? I.E. make the bridge do 
all 4 interfaces at once.

What happens when you assign the IP to xl0 instead of rl0?

Just some things you can try that might give us some more info.


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