Pardon me, but what bridging code are you using ? Is it from Etinc
or it is the std FreeBSD bridging code ?
> I'm not sure if this is related but we're using FreeBSD with a
> Emerging Technologies T1 card to do ADSL Bridging and ran into a problem
> where for example, if a bridge group was like...
> All the nodes can see fine but it
> nothing in - 254 can see each other. It seems to be they
> can't see each other if they are in the same subnet. So it seems all
> machines in the bridge group can see the gateway and the rest of the
> world but not each other. Is there a way around this? This is with
> 4.1-RELEASE, 4.1.1-RELEASE and even 4.2-RELEASE.
> Cheers,
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