At 14:26 3-2-01 -0800, Rich Wales wrote:
>I'm running -STABLE (cvsup'ed on 26jan2001) on a machine with the
>BRIDGE option, bridging between two PCI NICs (rl0 and xl0).
>I'm having ARP problems. Machines on the "rl0" card are unable to
>get a hardware address for the bridge. (For whatever reason, I have
>no problems talking via the "xl0" interface.)
>I've done "tcpdump" on the bridge, and it's receiving ARP queries on
>the "rl0" interface, but it doesn't appear to be sending replies. I
>did a "tcpdump" on the "xl0" interface too, just in case ARP replies
>were going out over the wrong interface, but no such luck.
Are you using different IP addresses on both NICs? and If so can machines
on rl0 get the MAC for xl0? and can machines on xl0 get the MAC for rl0?
Can you include the output of 'tcpdump arp' for both interfaces while doing
these cross tests?
>If I turn off bridging (sysctl -w, the ARP
>problem quickly resolves itself. So the problem would seem to be
>related somehow to the bridge code.
>I can sidestep the problem by using "arp -s" commands on the other
>machines to tell them the bridge's hardware address -- but I really
>shouldn't have to do this.
You got that right
>Any ideas?
Been digging in that code the past week, so when I'm done with some stuff
for work I can try and track it down. Can you include a kernel config and
dmesg output.
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