On 25/02/2016 7:52am, Mark Felder wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2016, at 19:13, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

>> * It is hard to reproduce the environment exactly, matching the
>> application to the same version of Java that was available at the time of
>> deployment. Again I'm fighting against the pkg system which always wants
>> the latest version.
> The package system *could* handle this, but it doesn't fit our design.
> We aren't like RedHat/Debian where we "freeze" packages at a certain
> version at the OS release and then backport only changes. With that
> method different versions of packages will just work with everything
> else in the system. With FreeBSD's ports system it's really a rolling
> release as the entire ports tree moves together. Mixing packages build
> from different checkouts of the ports tree is dangerous and not
> guaranteed to work.

Hi Mark

Yes, that makes sense and I've frequently struggled in Linux systems to get all 
the bits to match each other properly. So the FreeBSD solution here works.

But for me, where I use poudriere and roll my own custom packages, versioning 
becomes complicated. I'd need to either create a new poudriere jail for every 
release of my software, or go down the path of snap-shotting the entire jail 
(I'm choosing the second).

> I don't use ezjail. It doesn't upgrade well, and changes to the base
> jail require you stop all your jails. FreeBSD fat jails are so small
> (300MB?) it's not worth it in my opinion. I simply wrote a shell script
> to create fat jails and another script to handle updating them all.
> They're all treated like full servers/VMs, and configs/roles are managed
> with Ansible/Salt/etc.

That's a good point. And after all the excellent advice here, this is probably 
what I'll do:

1. Discard salt-minions inside every jail. That's become more trouble to look 
after as the number of jails grows. That's also really tricky to handle in salt 
when I want to fail over jails to another host. Since then every jail is 
running in two places and that confuses salt.

2. Create a single master/template jail. That might include the basejail or 
perhaps I'll keep the nullfs thing which works fine.

3. With every release of my software, upgrade that jail using 'pkg upgrade', 
test and 'zfs snapshot pool/template@v8.10'. I'll keep accumulating snapshots 
for every release, bundling up the changes to my software plus all the 
dependency packages and config.

4. When I want to upgrade a customer jail, I stop the jail and:

 # zfs destroy pool/customerJail
 # zfs clone pool/template@v8.10 pool/customerJail

I'll have salt help with automating this of course. By using the zfs clone 
command, even the 300Mb of FreeBSD userland takes zero bytes to clone. These 
commands should really take less than a second to execute, so the upgrade speed 
is great.

5. Then salt will write out the appropriate customer specific configuration 
into the newly cloned jail (for us that's just 2-3 files)

6. Start jail

Where having no basejail falls down is when the host system goes from FreeBSD 
10 to 11, then I'll need to upgrade every jail but I'll have no way to go 
backwards to an older version once this is done since the old snapshot will 
include the old userland. That's probably not a problem for something that is 

Also, all the above works only because we use logstash and therefore don't care 
about losing all the logs inside each jail with every upgrade. I guess syslog 
would do the same thing for other people.

I hope this little summary helps other people facing similar challenges.


Aristedes Maniatis
CEO, ish
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