Markham wrote:

> One of the solutions I have found to the version issue is to build my own 
> package repo. I build the packages the way I want, and then upload them to my 
> own package repo (which is just another jail running thttpd). I also keep a 
> jail running with the ports tree frozen at the versions I am using for 
> production.

Thanks for that idea. However I'm already doing all that with poudriere and it 
works well. However creating a new poudriere repo every 4 weeks would be a 
little cumbersome.

Steve Hartland wrote:

> Checkout qjail from your description I think it will do what you want.

I took a look at the documentation I could find (just some stuff on Sourceforge 
really) but nothing in qjail seemed to solve the issues of multiple basejails 
or anything else that was causing me issues with ezjail.

I also discovered iocage which looks quite different and interesting. I'm still 
reading about it, but it seems to:

* have multiple basejails

* use unionfs to create a "jail package" which looks like an overlay on a jail. 
However there doesn't appear to be a feature to "undeploy" a package, so not 
sure if it is the best way to deploy a certain version of an application.

* have also a template feature which looks like the ezjail 'flavour'. You can't 
change the template after you make a jail. Again, it looks like "destroy jail" 
and make a new one.

I can't really understand the different practical use cases of 'package' and 
'template' since they seem both very similar to ezjail flavours except in how 
you create them in the first place.

But the multiple basejail idea might just be what I need. I create a new 
basejail once a month with each new release of the software. I can't switch 
existing jails to a new basejail (I think), but I'd need to destroy and 
recreate it from a new base and add my jail specific config bits.

Each jail could be upgraded as needed and not necessarily at the same time. 


Aristedes Maniatis
Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
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