On 22/02/2016 8:28pm, Tom Lazar wrote:
>> On 22 Feb 2016, at 09:17, Aristedes Maniatis <a...@ish.com.au 
>> <mailto:a...@ish.com.au>> wrote:
>> Markham wrote:
>> I also discovered iocage which looks quite different and interesting. I'm 
>> still reading about it, but it seems to:
> another thing you might want to take a look at - given your requirements and 
> current setup - is jetpack[1]
> it basically implements the docker approach using zfs and jails as underlying 
> technology and pretty much replaces (the unstable) solution of unionfs with 
> its layers based on zfs snapshots.
> while it seems to be the least mature option discussed in this thread so far, 
> i think its container approach fills a niche that might fit your use case 
> very well.

Very interesting indeed. Thanks for that pointer. However, I think I'm still on 
the fence about docker (and friends). It looks like a complex solution to 
independent problems (bundling, jails, snapshots, configuration management).

> having said that, i’d like to point out, that florian and myself (the authors 
> of bsdploy) are very open to using saltstack - bsdploy is designed to be 
> modular and we already have experimental support for it [2] and the GPL 
> licence of ansible is turning into a bigger annoyance than expected[3] so we 
> are motivated to continue along that path.

Great, I think you'll like salt although it has a very steep initial learning 
curve. I'm happy with my choice of saltstack and it appears to have a couple of 
people contributing FreeBSD improvements reasonably regularly. pkg support is 
pretty good now and it has limited jail support. The biggest issue I've found 
with salt is that there is no recommended best-practices way of using it. Its 
like being given a shed full of wonderful tools and being told to build a house.

But at this point I think my problem looks like a thin layer on top of jails 
rather than something bigger. I still need to try more things and I just found 
this which looks like a nice way to easily control iocage:


Maybe my workflow is:

* destroy jail
* create new jail from new template (with new version of app)
* use salt to inject the little config files
* start jail

That means I lose all logs and other things at each upgrade, but with logstash 
that's less of a problem than it was.

On top of that I need a mechanism to create the jail templates, but something 
manual with FreeBSD pkg might be enough there.

If I avoid the iocage 'packaging' thing then it looks like I avoid the unionfs 
which several people have warned about not being stable.


> just my two cents,
> cheers,
> tom
> [1] https://github.com/3ofcoins/jetpack
> [2] https://github.com/ployground/ploy_salt
> [3] https://github.com/ployground/bsdploy/issues/75

Aristedes Maniatis
Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
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