Mike Meyer wrote:

snake% uname -a
FreeBSD snake.mired.org 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7 04:42:56 
UTC 2006     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386
snake% ls -l /bin/cp
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  15300 May  6 23:56 /bin/cp

To badly paraphase [1] a quote: "Here, have a $1, buy yourself a GB of storage..." :)

Bloat is bad, but saving me time it takes to type redeems some of it. One of the reasons this binary is so small is because it's dynamically linked, so some space was saved when systems started moving away from static binaries. If nitpicking is in order, this file's size is still under default block size (16 KB) and there's plenty of stuff to fit in there to fill it.

[1] butcher, more likely

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