At 12:19 PM -0500 8/1/06, Rick C. Petty wrote:
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006, Garance A Drosehn wrote:
 The point is not that you need an explicit switch, the
 point is that you have to add a lot of code to 'cp' for
 'cp' to do the job correctly.

Not really.  See my example in a previous post.  All you
need to do is perform an lseek(2) instead of a write(2)
if the block you read is all zero.

I guess it depends on what the option will be described as
doing.  If you want an option which will "sparse-ify" any
file, then yes that's easy to do.

I had understood this option as a request to "copy all the
existing holes", which is not the same thing.  I.e., I
thought we wanted `cp' to create the new file such that it
would take up exactly the same number of disk blocks, and
have the same number of holes (in exactly the same places)
as the original file.

I agree that "sparse-ify" should be easy to implement, and
could be useful.  I'm not fond of the idea, but I can see
how people might want it.  I do would not like it, because
the user will have to know whether it is appropriate to use
on a file-by-file basis.  You can't just 'cp -rp' an entire
directory, and feel confident that the "Right Thing(TM)"
will happen for each file that is being copied.  So, if I
am copying directories, I'll still have to resort to some
other tool to get the job done "Right(TM)".

In my case, I want zeros on the disk in the destination
wherever there were zeros on the disk in the source.  In
some situations, I don't want the number-of-blocks of a
file to increase every time I change a X'00' to a X'01'.
It would be nice for `cp' to do that too, but I expect
*that* would add too much bloat to `cp'.  Not only that,
but it just sets us up for the next request for `cp' to
do "perfectly-accurate copies" of files.

Garance Alistair Drosehn     =               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer               or   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;             Troy, NY;  USA
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